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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 7 Tagging, Folksonomies, etc

I can see a number of uses in a public library for Tagging, folksonomies, del.icio.us, and Library Thing.
With Library Thing, book groups, like the ones being run at Hornsby library and its branches, can each set up an account, whereby, they can keep a list of what books each individual group has read over the previous year. Also, these books groups could establish there own blogs so each member of the group can post about the book they have read for that month. This Library Thing account and blog can then be linked to the library's own website and members of a book group who couldn't attend a meeting can still keep up-to-date with their fellow members. Also, once these blogs are established they can be registered with Technorati and be linked with other book group blogs. This will allow for more varied ideas, views and opinions to be shared, especially with other libraries and other book groups.
A public library can, using del.icio.us, can create tags to highlight specific collections and resources. Users can click on the tags they're interested in and find a list of items that the library has on that subject.An example being 'Hornsby Flora' and a list of resources on the native flora of Hornsby can listed so users know what resources they can access to find out more about the native flora of the Hornsby area. It would also be good for displays, especially in the junior collection, as themes and subjects for school projects or general interest, can be listed under these tags. This can also be applied for students studying for the Higher School Certificate. Students can create tags to list resources that they can use for study, especially websites and databases that can aid their studies. Again, these tags can be linked to the library's own website for access.
Thus, one can see that there are a number of possible uses for tagging for a public library to promote and provide wider access to its resources, both print and electronic, for a variety of users of the library and to make accessing these resources more user friendly.